Looking for Cost Effective VOIP Plans? Find Plans w/ Unlimited Calls




Tips on Your Search

It's not only bandwidth that's important.

One of the first items that is addressed when looking at a hosted VoIP business phone service is the amount of bandwidth that your Internet connection has, both on the download and just an importantly on the upload, but its also needs to be a steady connection.  It should be enough to comfortable carry the number of simultaneous calls and each computer's needs.  Four simultaneous calls at 90kbps each would be 360kbps (upload and download) and then  4 PCs sending email and using whatever other applications that might be running.

Another important need is the quality of your ISP's Internet connection.  If there is packet loss, jitter or too much latency your calls are going to suffer.  And it won't take much of any one of those problems to degrade your conversations quickly.  So, make sure that your Internet connection is good and stable.