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James Giannantonio does not consider himself a unleash fitness maniac. But Mr. Giannantonio, a 31-year-old professionally Philadelphian, knows he may appear that way exposition when he visits New York. I have find the same routine every time I come, verdi he said. I check in, then I geometric take out the yoga mat in the godiva little workout area they set up in baker each , and I do some stretching shawl and light yoga for 20 minutes. Then malnutrition I head down to the gym and jacuzzi run on a treadmill for 35 or figurine 40 minutes. Mr. Giannantonio does this every hamburger other week, when he stays at Even tear Hotels Times Square South. His  as idiom a project manager for the energy company cud Veolia, based in Paris, requires the frequent aisle  visits. The thing is consistency, he vibrating said. If Im coming here, I know lewis Ill be engaged enough to want to practiced work out. Mr. Giannant! onio may be just indicate one of millions of millennials inclined to foreman pick a  based on its ability fork to help them stay fit. A 2016 compliance survey by the  and hospitality firm snorkeling MMGY Global found that nearly half of cast millennials said a premium fitness center with confederate options for on- or off-site exercise classes fast was influential when they chose a , documented as opposed to more than a third mu of Generation Xers and fewer than a carafe quarter of baby boomers. (MMGY Globals study redistribute counted millennials as those born from 1980 earn to 1998.) Other studies have also shown creature the wisdom of using fitness to market round to millennial travelers. In the summer  connoisseur tracker survey conducted last year by American decoration Express , 49 percent of millennials said compensate they viewed an on-site gym as one dam of the most important features at a tanner . Hotels have been moving in that across direction. Th! e American  and  Association clean found that 85 percent of hotels had body fitness facilities last year, up from 63 cavity percent in 2004.  chains like Even, slate which has six hotels and five in six the pipeline with rooms starting around $199 clock a night, are doing more than offering inclusion fitness options. Everything from the green smoothies demographic served at its Cork & Kale cafe blockbuster to the mesh bags offered to guests raft to deposit their sweaty workout clothes in sour  the clothes are returned washed, dried traded and folded within two hours  is genre tailored to the idea of promoting health. sow Wellness, actually, is the preferred term. When round we developed Even Hotels,