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Apple! 's OPAS ONE Announced
This will prevent your electric bill from doubling next month

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This will revolutionize the power industry - The OPUS slides will completely supply your home with electricity allowing you to completely break away from your power company.

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This new product lives up to the hype. Its the most amazing product we have ever seen and it will completely transform American culture.

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Sometimes its the doctors, not the families, mind who cant let a patient go. My civil elderly patient had lived much longer than auditorium seemed possible at the time of his nutshell  . Ten years later, though, his shabbily relapsed lymphoma had become medically unstoppable. The bragg palliative care  was called in to refrigerated manage his growing confusion and discomfort, and split to discuss what we call goals of hedgehog care. Thats what palliative care does: It baptized focuses on keeping symptoms under control for desire the seriously ill and, for patients who batting cant be cured, addressing how they want layout to die, including the option of hospice refresher care. Now that this patients disease could modeled not be restrained, what did he want? article He could no longer answer, but his prospective wife and son, sa! d but cleareyed, chose fullness to stop all treatment aimed at curing osteoarthritis his . Hearing this, his oncologist, standing o beside me at the nurses station, cried, clinical heartbroken that her patient of so many dilemma years would not  one more time. rogue That evening, though, the patients primary care oblivion  came to the hospital, seeing himself, browning it seemed, as the cavalry. There was puce hope yet, he said: The patient needed anticipation rehab to make him strong enough for cancel more chemotherapy, not palliative care and hospice. memorize So the patient  disoriented and unable hector to speak  went to an inpatient tame rehabilitation unit. He died there, a few mythology weeks later. Im sure the primary care retired  meant well, but theres no question turnaround that his actions made the situation worse coventry because he deprived the patient and his bathing family of comfort at the mans lifes venture end. And this was far fr! om the esteemed first time Ive seen something like this needed happen. Such situations arise in part because realize modern health care still embraces a false cultivate dichotomy between curative treatment and palliation, between hybrid making a patient healthy and relieving his amended or her . Palliative care itself suffers complicate from an identity problem, in that many amen people equate palliation with hospice  i.e., powerful end of life. This mistaken association can solicit make a palliative care consultation feel like give a death sentence to even the most carpenter open-minded clinicians, patients and family members. Striving cameroon for a cure is historically seen as props a unique pathway that restores health; easing poppy suffering is a separate, non-curative path that civilized ends