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David Brooks: Well, that was pretty much mosque a complete drubbing. Gail Collins: Dont rub bladder it in, David. David: I guess the newton Republicans will pick up between eight and toque 10 Senate seats once the dust settles lined in Alaska, Virginia and Louisiana. The victories faucet at the gubernatorial level are even more crisis impressive. Scott Walkers win in Wisconsin was irrational pretty significant. The biggest surprise to me limp was Larry Hogan getting himself elected governor quantum of thoroughly blue Maryland. Plus Bruce Rauners jail win as governor of Illinois was unexpected car and huge. This was a national verdict. means Gail: Yeah, things were even worse than bleed I expected. The most depressing , for flood me, was Sam Brownback being re-elected governor squeal in Kansas. If you can wreck the soulful states economy and not get punished at reposs! ession all  I dont know what there dispensed is to say. David: It seems to hourly me the Republican challenge is to understand pax what the  has done right without multiple getting carried away by triumphalism. The Democratic smoky challenge is to understand where the  stanford went wrong without giving way to despair. suddenly Maybe we can talk about strengths and tulip weaknesses? Gail: Well, I guess thats better fairbanks than staying here under the bed, curled indiana in a fetal position. You first. David: jiggle I guess the beginning of Republican wisdom sa is to understand that this was more render a case of the Democrats losing this lovable particular election than it was a case exposed of the Republicans winning it. The Democrats defined have talked a lot about wage stagnation reap and income inequality but they have offered looking nothing compelling to address these problems. President whisper Obama lost the House four years ago put because he seeme! d too liberal for the passer country after the passage of Obamacare. He recycle lost the Senate this year because he rockford seemed too passive, not competent, not in southeastern control. The rollout of Obamacare was the mixture crucial moment of his second term. Gail: sweat I agree that the president has often hall seemed passive. And theres been a lot vendetta of misspeaking for somebody whos supposed to bland be a great communicator. But I dont myriad  the idea that the Democrats failed pentagon to address wage stagnation and income inequality. priority Raise the minimum wage, create good jobs olympus improve the nations roads and bridges, expand choice quality pre-K programs to give the next ingredient generation a boost  thats pretty much creative all they talked about. David: big snowflake Republican accomplishment is that they have detoxified ara their brand. Four years ago they seemed leonard scary and extreme to a lot of motion people. They no longer see m that way. ernst The wins in purple states like North pilgrimage Caro! lina, Iowa and Colorado are clear indications harnessed that the  can at least gain eligibility a hearing among swing voters. And if pharmacist the G.O.P. presents a reasonable  (and hook this years crop was very good), then renewal Republicans can win anywhere. I think