Not sure if I am overstepping the line with this post. If I am Calle, please give me virtual slap on the wrist and I won't do it again, promise ..
If you are looking for a home for any of your fanfic, poetry, artwork etc please consider either CHRONICLES or BLAKE'S 7: THE OTHER SIDE.
Here's a short message from Susan and Joanne: Both CHRONICLES (gen) and TOS (Adult and or Slash) accept fiction, non-fiction (reviews/articles) and poetry as well as art. The art should be in the form of a jpg or a good photocopy. We don't want originals which are apt to be lost in the post or damaged. We accept material electronically and in hard copy. preferably the former. With Chronicles we will accept short stories or novellas to 50 pages. Anything longer than that would be held over to a double or triple issue. They don't come out very often at all.
And, we prefer not to have s/m in TOS. We will print adult and slash.
We reserve the right to edit minor things (such as spelling) in the stories, but will consult with the author... especially if it means rewritting a sentence or more. If we can communicate electronically, then a copy of the edit is sent for mutual approval of the editor and author.
Issues come out whenever since we both have Real Lives and Disasters and try our best to be polite, acknowledge what we receive and keep sending correspondance when we can.
Verbal debates in lettercols is encouraged. Anyone who contributes gets a free copy. If a substantial contribution is given, then we'll negotiate some more.
If you are interested, please email me offlist at and I'll send you the relevant addresses to send your submissions for each zine.
Thank you for your attention, end of commercial break we now return you to your scheduled programme.
TTFN Carol 'Hondo' CaraZines.