After helen wrote: <Of course, Cally and Jenna should have had better roles with more leadership.>
Ellynne replied: <Better roles, yes. Leadership, Jenna only. Whether because she had a certain reserve or because she was self-conscious of her outsider status, Cally never struck me as the leader type.>
Interesting ... if I was to allow it for either, I'd've gone the other way. Jenna's breif stint at 2-i-c in Bounty is good, but other than that she's a leaner when she's got someone strong to lean *on* (notice that in most battles, she sits back and waits for Blake to make all the decisions she *ought* to be doing, or at least suggesting as pilot: Breakdown and Redemption the most glaring examples).
Cally would be a reluctant leader but I think has the strength (well, up till she turns into Super-Marmee) to mould herself into the role, as Avon had to. Problem is, does she have the force of *personality*? Could Cally have taken over as leader after Star One, if she'd decided that they had to keep fighting?
Dunno ...
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