In message 004301c087ce$7f67dda0$, Marian de Haan writes
Maybe you could try telephone the publisher, Julia? Here that's the only way to get a reply, as they don't respond to letters, faxes or email.
To be fair, the website did warn that responses could be a long time in coming. My biggest concern was whether the manuscript had got there safely - so a few months after sending it I emailed to check, and got a "yes, it arrived safely" within a day or two.
Looking at Circlet's website, it appears that the anthology that I submitted to has been delayed by at least a year, so I'm not too bothered about not hearing anything from them yet. There's no restriction on submitting to magazine markets in the meantime (not that I'd have a clue where to submit it), so it's not as if they're sitting on material and stopping it from being submitted elsewhere. Actually, my biggest bitch about Circlet having to cut back on their publishing schedule was that I wanted to buy one of their forthcoming non-fiction books, and it *still* wasn't out last time I checked.