Deliverance et al
I think to some extent we do have to see the past as another country etc - and sometimes those creating a series (or any show in general) had to make do with what - and who - was available, and how much they could put into a 45-50 minute show. And compared with some of its contemporaries B7 did provide roles for women that were 'active' rather than 'passive.' Consider the women in the original Star Trek. OK it was created several years before, but they are far less 'involved' in the action than the dominant men. Or the near contemporary 'Dallas' - the women were (as far as I remember) adjuncts to their menfolk. Or consider Red Dwarf - no women at all. One could go through much of the various story telling forms of the past (including books, films and TV) and find things which are objectionable. Does anyone denigrate the Sherlock Holmes stories because he takes cocaine? The Iliad glorifies war and revenge - and there are many more examples.
B7 was a product of its time, and if in some parts there was an overtly or implicit sexist (or other negative) subtext on some occasions we just have to accept it. Meegat just happened to be in the right place at the right time (and shows her inherent good taste by selecting Avon for her purposes (g)), Jenna happened to be in the 'wrong place at the wrong time'. It appears that Meegat was updated about the status of Avon - and given Blake's character (as in the 'Mushrooms of Destiny' story - another episode where we do not know the ending) he would probably go out of his way to offer what help he could (if Meegat and the others wanted it).
One can enjoy B7 for what it offers - which includes the discussions about the 'moral dilemmas' and the effects of hindsight/changed perspectives.
It could be argued that for a series to be entirely PC (including for changed perceptions over time) would create something that was less than interesting.
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