Annie Wortham wrote:
Over the last few weeks, I have suddenly begun receiving massive amounts of pornographic emails, not just on my main account, but on every single account where I have website space. These accounts are never used for email and I have NEVER, in years on the internet, received spam at any of those addresses. I also have received a pornographic message in my guest book at my main website for the first time ever.
Yesterday, while attempting to find the source of this Internet Vandalism,
discovered a newsgroup post that called for an "attack" on my website.
Please read the entire newsgroup thread at:,
If you will click on the website link of the person posting the disturbing messages, I think many of you will be saddened and surprised to find a rather
member of this Lyst as the perpetrator. I don't know what to make of this behavior. I'm still coming to terms with it. Until it happened, I wouldn't have expected a fan to do this to another fan.
Julia Jones wrote:
This format will make it easier to use:
I used Julia Jone's url. When you use it, be careful to delete the space that the computer puts in at the line break.
I personally have no use for this Lysator person ever since she attacked me last year for telling people to buy ZENITH and support B7 fandom. She and some others (and I have no use for them either) accused me of using a guilt trip on people. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, I just decided then and there that Lysator really wasn't a list I was very interested in. And that was also reinforced recently when another bunch of posters made such unkind remarks to various people that people started unsubbing. I still miss Penny Dreadful who is a delightful talented fan whose feelings were very hurt.
I only stay on the list to pick up the rare GT news bits, the general B7 news, and to read occasional posts by people who are friends or posters who normally say something of value or interest to me. I regularly delete 50-80% of Lysator without reading it. Sometimes I delete entire digests. I think recently I didn't read one digest for something like three weeks straight. I could tell another argument was brewing when somedays I had to delete four-five digests unread.
There are many people on Lysator who in my opinion should simply be ignored. The inane arguments which last for weeks could not exist if the people on the list who have some common sense, brains, and courtesy would just ignore the posters who seem to thrive on conflict and whose seeming only purpose is to stir up trouble. And some of the posters are frankly so unbelievably rude and mean I frankly wish Calle would unsub them after they have made two or three rude or vicious remarks to other list members. That is one of things I really despise about this list--that such rude behaviour is tolerated.
I think what is happening to Annie is totally uncalled for. It's one thing to be having an argument with a person on the list---it's quite uncalled for to carry that argument onto another list. And electronic vandalism of any sort should never be tolerated.
You have my sympathy and support, Annie. I would hope that most of the Lysator is disguested by the attack and also by the people doing it and also the people who seem to support it or encourage it.
And personally I find some of the current posters to be totally creepy. I do not understand why Lysator attracks some of the mean people it does.
As a teacher in public school for 16 years, I am very aware of how one bad student can ruin a classroom of 30 students, most of whom are very nice. It is so sad to think that about five to perhaps ten people over the course of the last year have made Lysator a very unpleasant list to be on at times.
Thank goodness, there is Freedom City. And if worse comes to worse on Lysator, I am just going to have to hope that the GT and B7 news I want to get also gets posted there because, at least, on that list these deliberate rude and personal attacks by some posters on other posters would not be tolerated.
Anyway, Annie, keep your chin up. And thank you, also, for making us aware of what is happening.