--- "Sally Manton" smanton@hotmail.com wrote:
Mel said: <I've been over to Louise and Simon's newish forum a few times. A lot of lively discussions seem to be taking place. But I've noticed a strong bias towards Avon, at the expense of Blake.>
and Dana: <It's all a matter of perspective - *I* think that L&S contains much unjustified Avon-bashing.>
Actually, I've found it rather disconcerting to go to lists/forums other than the Lyst and FC - there *is* a lot more of the (what I find) old-fashioned bashing and swooning going on :-) Maybe it's because this is a <ahem> more mature list, and a lot of the regular posters have been here for some time and have been there, done that (or never wanted to ;-))
More mature list??!! Regular posters have been here for some time??? It makes no difference how long a particular list has been going or how mature it is as I think you will find that Blake's 7 fans have the same average age and average maturity regardless of which list they post to. The posts on Louise and Simon's discussion forum may well reflect opinions not tolerated on this list, but that says more about those list members who insist on clamping down on discussions they feel uncomfortable with or regard as trivial than the overall maturity of the list.... in my opinion of course.
It *is* very unusual to find Avon being scarified in a non-fictional sense ... but Blake (along with Tarrant) *does* still draw the bulk of the unreasoned battering (sorry Dana, but from the POV of someone who adores 'em both ...).
===== rita d'orac
"If you think of this mouse as a space captain..."
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