From: Stephen Date
I've just been through the cast lists given in Attwood, doing a headcount for the whole series,
Two thoughts suggest themselves at this point.
1/ Some kind of lifetime achievement award may in order for Robert Holmes - Two female supporting characters, a croupier and a barmaid with a heart of gold !
Yes, they do seem to be the exception rather than the rule.
2/ What was the male-female ratio in Equity in the late 1970's ?
I would address that question to the Prime Hierarchy of Unknown Quantification. In other words, PHUQ knows.
P.S. Were you counting the computer in Games ?
Certainly did. Anything that could be given a gender was counted (but counted very quickly, with numbers scrawled on the back of an envelope, so the final tally isn't necessarily dead accurate. Not that I think it's necessary, 209:60 is a pretty clear bias to the male side).