I dont believe democracy will work at all. it doesn't even work on our planet, let alone a whole lot of them. I believe it will just follow our earth political systems or a pseudo democracy, but really an oligarchical system.
Another facet or revolutions, is that almost in every occasion, the replacing system is just as oppressive or holds the same political results or practises in some way. So, people under the federation would have just ended up as before. As Avon said once i think. That blakes model was never good for the people anyway, they were just swapping one oppressive authority for another.
regards tony
At 03:38 PM 26/08/2001 -0700, Helen Krummenacker wrote:
Does anyone remember if there is any mention of democratic elections within the federation itself?
- Iain
I don't think there is, but one thing that makes me think there is some pretense of elections is that Blake's first work was with the Freedom Party. Doesn't the word 'party' politically imply that there is room political participation among 'the people' and some form, however rigged, of election?