Some thoughts on shields from a breakfast discussion at Eclectic.
The question is really do shields stand up to scientific analysis? I'm afraid my science isn't good enough to answer that, so we thought we'd throw it open to the list.
The first point is how do shields work? Also, different SF programmes vary on whether you can fire your own weapons when the shields are up. Could a shield be only one way in that it will stop incoming fire but allow outgoing fire to pass through?
We learn from Harvest that the Liberator has overlapping shields - what's that about? Why couldn't it have just one big shield? Is there an advantage to overlapping shields? Maybe to allow weapon fire?
Also from Harvest, we learn the shields can be detected, otherwise Jarvik couldn't have spotted the gap. How does that work?
As you see, lots of questions but not many answers. Any thoughts?
-- cheers Steve Rogerson
"In my world, there are people in chains and you can ride them like ponies" The alternative Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer