Here is another story
Fred, in the Housing and Local Development Department, was seriously considering transferring to the section which dealt with Space Rats, excessively noisy concerts and suchlike problems. At least everybody could understand the problem, and there were standard solutions. This was different of course. He would be perfectly happy to let the two gentlemen sort it out between themselves, although he could quite understand the complaints of the neighbours. The two gentlemen were quite pleasant by themselves, and probably the surrounding communities would have been perfectly happy with either of them, especially if the collections had been opened to public view on a regular basis. But no, these two were neighbours, and went in for competitive collecting, and in ways which clashed horribly. So they wanted to collect things from two different Terran historical periods. Fair enough. The problem was that not only were their collections excessively large, but they were now altering their houses in ways which those surrounding them objected to, but for which there were few legal recourses, the locality being noted for its recreations of historic buildings. Fred quite liked the so called 'Brighton Pavilion' style development Krantor had constructed, even if it seemed cramped in the space allotted. He could understand why people objected to Sarkoff's development, but the shark projecting through the roof was authentic, and did not project beyond the property's boundaries. The solution was simple - he would licence something even more bizarre. But - it could be worse, as his grandfather always said, even that time it flooded. Fred could be trying to deal with the conflict between neighbours Roj Blake and Travis.
(The shark does exist - it is in Headingly (spelling?) near Oxford) __________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at