Again, I can understand that but still do find it a little surprising (just
out of curiosity, and I don't expect an answer if you don't want to give one, but do you live in a small town?). The general pattern I've encountered has been that people don't tend to set out to find fandom, but happen across it due to their interest in a programme: even if you don't actually write away to the address on the back of the videos for fanclub information, you can develop a friendship with someone involved in fandom due to your shared interest, or else, if people don't actually physically encounter fans, they often buy sci-fi magazines with articles about their programme (which brings them conceptually into fandom). Maybe it varies internationally-- if anyone out there is reading this who'd care to come in, maybe they should?>
I watched B7 when it was first broadcast on BBC in 1978 (?) and the subsequent series. The story stuck in my mind but I didn't encounter any other fans; I didn't look for organised fandom or fanfic because I didn't know it existed. By chance I saw the programme about fanfic on BBC2 two(?) years ago, featuring Judith Procter amongst others and then did a search on the internet and discovered this list and Space City. I joined and have been enjoying reading discussions and fanfic ever since. I'm a full time lurker with a few rare exceptions so the rest of you haven't been influenced by my insights on the subject. I think the loose association available on the internet is the key to my involvement since I would resist signing up to fanclubs etc where I might have to "take part" whether I wanted to or not.
Having said all that I now have to add that I shall be unsubbing for a while in the hopes that things may cool down. I have blocked some lyst participants recently because I disliked the tone of their posts. If unpleasant posts are preying on my mind my enjoyment has gone. It doesn't mean that I don't want to think about the serious (and unserious) posts which are thought provoking but I don't want to feel a weight on my mind over something that is an optional spare time activity. I shall dip in from time to time to see how things are going and hope to be back full-time soon.