Louise wrote:
Doesn't seem to vary a great deal from the favourite eps lists of people on this Lyst, although I think City normally scores more highly here and the inclusion of Sand comes as something of a surprise. Gambit should have been there instead.
Truth to tell, I rather like Sand, mainly for its atmospheric sets, not to mention Avon's horror at Orac's declaration of love. I also rate Sarcophagus highly, though I know a lot of fans hate it. I can only say, I loved it when I first saw it. I remember trying to work out what the dreamlike opening sequence meant, in relation to the rest of the episode. The writer, Tanith Lee, was something of a fan herself I believe, and produced a fine fantasy novel with openly ackowledged avatars or Vila and Avon. I bought it in paperback in 1980 from a small independant shop called Fantast (Medway). Anyone else heard of it? The owner produced a book list/review of his stock to anyone interested for the annual sum of a quid, I think, and was extremely friendly and informative to anyone who dropped into his shop. Returning to B7, favourite episode lists are extremely subjective. I think it depends on the elements of the episodes in question which the individual focusses on as significant. I'm rather fond of Moloch, though I know it can hardly be classed as a top piece of writing. I remember a long-ago Horizon club questionaire on S3 where in my reply I mentioned the scene between Avon and Dayna concerning the dead mouse and the apple. That scene just happened to be a favourite of mine. Moloch is not a 'great' episode, but it still entertains me in lots of ways. I generally try to look for the good points in an episode before the bad.
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