--- Neil Faulkner N.Faulkner@tesco.net wrote:
I've just been through the cast lists given in Attwood, doing a headcount for the whole series, omitting only a few sexless individuals (like the robot in Volcano). Plot significance of any one individual is not taken into account. It's a quick count and might not be totally accurate, but the results are clear enough:
Males: 209. Females: 60 (about 10:3 or 3.3:1)
For the first season only (all by the same writer, who despite input from Chris Boucher probably assigned the sex of most if not all guest characters), it is 51 males versus 14 females or 3.6:1. See - Nation really is a sexist pig!
Quite a few episodes featured male guests but no female ones. Prize winners here are Harvest of Kairos and Traitor, each having eight speaking male guest parts and no female ones at all.
Two thoughts suggest themselves at this point.
1/ Some kind of lifetime achievement award may in order for Robert Holmes - Two female supporting characters, a croupier and a barmaid with a heart of gold !
2/ What was the male-female ratio in Equity in the late 1970's ?
P.S. Were you counting the computer in Games ?
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