From: Una McCormack
But then I also didn't notice - until someone pointed it out to me - that the Dr Who story 'Kinda' (in which someone in a paradise world eats an apple and then evil is introduced in the shape of a giant snake) was a metaphor for the Garden of Eden. It was quite clear when someone pointed it out, however.
And a Who fan I used to know was unaware - until I pointed it out to him - that 'Kinder' is German for 'children'. Which may or may not have been deliberate on the part of the author, though I suspect it was, given that most people have some idea what 'kindergarten' means. But then maybe Kinda means something even more relevant in some other language with which I'm completely unacquainted.
Authors have to tread a fine line. They don't want to ram their points home with all the subtlety of the USS New Jersey (unless they write for Star Trek, or their name is Spielberg), but at the same time they don't (or hopefully don't) want to be so obscure that only a handful of cleverdick smartarses actually twig.