Sally asked:
Avon wants the Liberator, right? (Well, *he* doesn't say so, but he
it fairly strongly in The Web and Pressure Point, and there's that little deal with Blake in Star One, and that *extremely* possessive "this is *my* ship" in Powerplay).
But *why* do you think he wants it? What does he think he wants it *for*?
It is precisely this point that influenced my view of the arc of the series--I don't think he does, it's just something he can say to justify the fact that he turns in his resignation about three times a week but he's still there.
It appears that he hasn't given any thought to this, and once he's got it,
he -
and the rest - muddle around for half a season almost *looking* for something to do with it (IMO).
Well, Blake muddled around for two seasons looking for things to do with it, so there.