From: "kevs McCully"
This has just given me a thought, if the B7 crew were in the Big Brother house - who would nominate who for eviction?
*** Avon would almost certainly vote out Gan, closely followed by Vila.
I agree about Gan, but I would think he would vote out Blake so that he can get control of the ship, or Tarrant in S3 and S4.
Jenna would vote out Cally, due to Cally being an alien, and also being slightly jealous that she has to share the men with Cally (Bounty).
I think Jenna would vote out Avon purely on the grounds she dislikes him - and Vila.
Vila would vote out Tarrant, and after Orbit, Avon.
First crew I think Vila would vote out Blake - he gets him into dangerous situations, and probably Gan as even though he likes him he thinks the others are more use to him. Second crew Tarrant definitely but don't know, not Avon at least not until after Orbit as you say.
Dayna would vote out Vila, she thinks he's a useless drunkard IMO.
Tarrant would evict Vila, he too thinks Vila is useless (Sarcophagus), and probably Avon, so he could persue his own agenda (also Sarc.)
Also Agreed
Blake would be to racked with guilt to vote for any of them.
But would eventually vote out Vila and Gan