It seems to me that if you are setting out to get someone like Fiona in
trouble and to hack their accounts, that you would claim to BE them
It appears, however, that the primary objective has not been to get Fiona in trouble, but to harass others -- in which case it's *possible* that Fiona (or her accounts) may have simply been a convenience, with Fiona herself perhaps being a secondary target. I'm reserving judgement on the issue of identity; there are aspects of Fiona's denial which stretch my credulity quite a bit, but I have seen some similar incidents which actually did occur. In any case, it's not something we can resolve from here -- as you say, it's a matter for the authorities, and the sysadmin folks at Oxford probably have the best resources for tracing what's going on.
they obviously are familiar with Blakes 7, the people in it, and the people
on this list.
It may be worth noting that our previous acquaintance Wendy Penberriss was *also* posting from an Oxford University IP (and also exhibited some trollish tendencies.) The person in question may have been here for some time, under various identities.
- Lisa