--- Neil Faulkner N.Faulkner@tesco.net wrote: > From: Betty Ragan ragan@sdc.org
about the numbers? And it probably just never
even occured to anybody
to case a woman as Generic Trooper No. 3.
Exactly, which is why I tend to make the extras my benchmark for things like gender, racial, [fill in identity trait here] equality.
For the first season only (all by the same writer, who despite input from Chris Boucher probably assigned the sex of most if not all guest characters), it is 51 males versus 14 females or 3.6:1. See - Nation really is a sexist pig!
Leaving aside the question of whether he is or not :), he has gone on the record in a couple of places saying he has never felt totally comfortable writing for female characters.
Quite a few episodes featured male guests but no female ones. Prize winners here are Harvest of Kairos and Traitor, each having eight speaking male guest parts and no female ones at all.
You forgot "Killer." Although given the costumes the men had, that's probably a good thing...
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