can anybody think of a god who isn't either male or female?
Don't know of nueter gods, but there are examples that are both male and female. Hermeaphrodite (I had thought was merely acombined word but) was named after both of 'his' parents, whom 'he' took after, having both male and female organs. Loki, on the other hand, usually presented himself as male but took female shape on various occaisions, and is the mother of Fenris, the Midgard Serpent, and Hel.
ObB7> what gods would the characters be? Servalan seems right for Kali, or possibly a goddess of desire and pain who I can't recaqll the name of (Finnish, I think?) Blake: Shiva. Destroying in order to create. Vila: Coyote. Jenna: Possibly Athena? No, I think Rhiannon; the role of pilot translating into rider. Dayna *is* Diana. No question there.