Sally asked, and Nina replied:
What *does* everyone do on the flight deck? We know Jenna does the
Vila usually handles weaponry (whose idea was that, BTW <g>?) and
I've always wondered how Vila wound up on weapons myself
That's Blake's predicament in a nutshell--he has so few crewmembers that he had to put *Vila* in charge of weapons.
I think Avon's station handles all of the sensor telemetry and system management instrumentation. The bit of having to run for the force wall always annoys me, though -- that console next to the couches seems like a really illogical place to put the controls for any combat-necessary
functions. Actually they used to have a remote control, but with four guys they spent all the time arguing about flipping between channels, so they had to go back to the "run to the front and press the button" system.
and whichever's *not* on communications do
during a battle? They do all seem awfully busy ...
There are no atheists in foxholes.