Calle Dybedahl wrote:
About a year ago, we had the "Flat Robin" Discworld/B7 crossover being posted. It went on for months and was, as far as I remember, well recieved.
Oh, yes, I remember that now. My lack of familiary with Discworld left me out of the fun and games. :-( wrote:
<< HOT DAMN!! ummm.., I mean, yes, there are probably several of us who would enjoy some fanfic. >>
and wrote:
Since fan fiction has always been one of my favorite parts of fandom, I
love to see fan fiction of a gen nature here.
and Una and Jacqui and several others made what could be interpreted as interested noises, too....
So it seems if anyone has a gen story ready to debut, it would be very welcome here.
How about a trying another RR as well? Not one of the structured ones, with everybody assigned sections and people feeling "stressed" over whether they are "good enough" to join in, just something light hearted and fun. .....let's see. I was on another list where they did sort of a continuing challenge type thing: There was a list of seven "things" -- bits of dialog, objects, actions, whatever. Each person who added to the story had to include one or more of the "things" from the list AND he added the same number of new things to the list, so the next player always had seven to pick from. How about giving that a try?
I'll go first -- that way I don't have to figure out how to work in something from the list. ;-)
The 7 Challenge Round Robin, part 1:
Avon scanned the Galactic Monopoly board and frowned. "There's no point in playing this game if you're going to cheat."
"What did Vila do this time?" Cally sounded amused.
"Hey!" Vila looked over from the side table where he'd been pouring a round of drinks. "Why d'you assume I did anything?"
"When we broke off yesterday I had just assembled a Class Three flotilla in the Horsehead nebula, poised to attack your colonies on the Outer Worlds. That nebula is markedly empty now."
"I didn't take any flotillas. Here, try this -- it's my newest creation, I call it a 'Lost in Limbo' cocktail."
Jenna was the first to accept one of the glasses he was holding out. She eyed the contents, a thick liquid swirled in blue and white, then gave it a cautious sniff. Not cautious enough, though, going by how fast she jerked her nose away from the glass. "Because after drinking one, that's how you'll feel?"
"Exactly!" Vila beamed at her, as he set the other glasses around the edges of the table and settled into his seat. "Whose turn is it?"
"No one's." Avon's pronunciation was precise. "Not until my flotilla is no longer....lost in your limbo."
"C'mon, Vila, put it back." Gan was shaking the dice. "If I roll an eight or better my fleet is going to wipe it off the board anyway."
"I *told* you, I don't have Avon's flotilla." Vila looked a trifle hurt. "Steal a piece off the board when nobody was there to catch you at it? Where's the challenge in that?"
Blake leaned low to one side and scanned the deck around the game table. "It doesn't seem to have just fallen off."
"So where else could it be," Jenna said, eying Vila skeptically.
"I dunno! Maybe it, maybe it fell into a black hole." Cally snorted, a remarkably earthy sound from such an ethereal woman. "Or something," Vila continued lamely. "Like that book cube you said vanished last week. And my second best tri-steel probe that isn't in my carrier case where it belongs even though I *always* put it back there."
"And my left boot?" Gan's voice was soft and thoughtful. When the others looked at him, he shrugged. "I didn't say anything because I figured I'd just misplaced it somehow, but I've been looking for four days now."
The six of them exchanged glances. Blake looked amused, Avon seemed to be trying to hide an intrigued gleam, the others just looked puzzled to various degrees. Blake broke the little silence. "I don't see any obvious connection between a game piece, a steel probe, a book cube and a boot. Probably it's just coincidence that those things are missing--"
+Information.+ Zen's cool tones cut Blake off. +A communication has just been detected.+
==== Next?
Challenge things, one or more to be included in the next piece:
1) a handful of coins marked in a language no one recognizes
2) "And I always say an Auron proverb contains slightly less meaning than white noise."
3) a Decima
4) word(s) scratched onto the wall of a corridor
5) a shocking change in someone's appearance
6) "It's a trap, Blake!"
7) The Liberator shuddered violently, hurling Jenna to the floor.
Susan Beth (