In message, Mistral writes
Julia Jones wrote:
In message, Betty Ragan writes
Well, not to open up another M****-B***** discussion or anything, but my suspicion is that it does have a great deal to do with the personality of the viewer.
Bugger not opening up that can of worms. It's too useful when we do want to discuss personality, since it has that very useful I-E distinction.
<g> I'm more fond of the T-F meself. Also the P-J.
I find the I-E particularly useful because it helps in explaining something about myself and a lot of other Is I know - which is that many of us score as extroverts on the more usual definitions, and behave that way, thus leading to bewilderment on the part of others when we turn anti-social. That bit at about an I enjoying a party for an hour and then wanting to go home, *now*, is spot-on for me.