--- Fiona Moore nydersdyner@yahoo.co.uk wrote: >
Actually, we're on that subject, can anybody think of a god who isn't either male or female? I can't, off the top of my head, except a vague recollection that the Hebrew word translated as "God" in the King James Version of Genesis I is actually plural (which still doesn't make it neuter, and my recollection may not be accurate...)
You could make a very respectable case for the Christian deity ! Certainly, once you start envisaging God as having "neither body, parts nor passions" it tends to militate against God having any sex/gender. This hasn't of course stopped people referring to God as "he". I think feminist theologians would argue that this is a hangover from patriarchy rather than saying anything about God's nature.
I would guess that most deities are given personal attributes which would include sex/ gender. As always I am open to correction from anyone who knows different. (Did Plato refer to God as "He", I can't remember off the top of my head).
ObB7: I mean gods in the B7 universe too.
The Clone Masters venerate "Life". I suppose it could be argued that Life has taken the place of God in their world view.
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