On Mon 11 Jun, Dana Shilling wrote:
And, by the way, why did the Federation have to go to the trouble of actually conditioning kids to believe that they were molested by Blake? That would make sense if there were a well-publicized show trial, where TV clips of the tearful child victims might lead to widespread revulsion against Blake. (Although why anyone would then be deterred from political subversion because of Blake's personal failings...)
It could work. People hate to be tarred with the same brush. "We know you rebel types - you're all a load of paedophiles. Civil liberties? Hah! We know what you're really after."
But in fact, the fabricated evidence was simply input into the prosecution marble that went into the Justice Machine. Perhaps they could have fabricated evidence that didn't have inconsistencies for Tel Varon to spot if they didn't have to waste time conditioning the "victims."
Tel VAron interviewed the children himself, didn't he? If he could, then others obviously could, so I'd guess there would be some form of media coverage.