Harriet Monkhouse wrote:
Jenny wrote:
Kayn and Renor knows what a limiter is and speak of it in a very matter-of-fact way-- not as if it's
rare. Are they in on the experiment too?
They're experts in neurosurgery, who should be expected to keep up with the latest developments.
Yes but when Kayne sees the implant he immediately identifies it as a limiter, and at no point during the episode does either Renor or Kayne state that the Limiter implant is experimental. If the author wanted to put that over then you may have had something like:
KAYNE: This man's got a limiter implant.
RENOR: Really? So what's he doing here?
KAYNE: Good question. It's one thing to accept that this is an experimental craft on a proving flight, but quite another to believe it's a test bed for limiter implants. These people aren't Federation! It's Blake and his rabble.
RENOR: Are you sure?
KAYNE: Of course I'm sure. Remember that story about one of the limiter test specimens escaping?
RENOR: You're saying this is the one who got away?
KAYNE: To right, you big bottomed bastard!
KAYNE: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
RENOR: (MORE CONFUSED) Eh? Are you alright Professor?
KAYNE: (SWAYING FOR A SECOND) Sorry about that. Dropped out of character for a moment there.
We gather from the search for help in
Breakdown that such experts are not two a credit.
When are they ever?
It also makes sense to conduct this experiment on Cygnus Alpha as well, does it? Where there is no one to actually observe the experiment?
I always presumed that Gan was a guinea pig they'd finished experimenting with.
Good point and one that Stephen Date makes, but there is still no evidence, only supposition.
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