Long ago I got the impression that, as a whole, the Lyst membership was interested in discussing the episodes, and real life aspects that affected the show (directors, writers, actors, BBC standards and budgets) but not in flights of fancy derived from the show. Aka fanfic. As a result, whenever I'm ready to post a piece of fanfic (all too rare these days, I'm afraid) it doesn't occur to me to post it to the Lyst instead of FC, or even as well, even when the story in question is completely sex-free.
Is this how it should be? I mean, I've been pretty much assuming that everyone who would enjoy reading fanfic is subbed to FC as well. (Yes, we've got a sizable minority on FC who aren't into slash in fanfic, they just skip scenes or stories that don't suit them, for the sake of getting others that do.)
Am I wrong? Are there a lot of people on just the Lyst who might enjoy a piece of fanfic now and then? Or maybe even want to join in creating one? In the past, FC and SC have spawned several Round Robin stories, some of which reached successful conclusions, other which were amusing while they lasted.
Just wondering if there is enough interest to make something like that fly.
Or would it just be seen as an intrusion on the more episode-oriented list?
Susan Beth (susanbeth33@mindspring.com)