Issue 65 of Chronicles, the long-running B7 genzine is now available from Susan Batho. It is the print version of Narrelle M. Harris's 'Phoenix 4'. Although the on-line version is available from her website, the print edition has a little bit extra that you won't find elsewhere. A4 format, 55 pages.
The cost (in Australian dollars) is $5 per issue plus p&p as follows:
Within Australia: $1.47 To England/Europe: $4.50 To USA: $4.50
All cheques/drafts/money orders must be made in Australian currency, but remember the exchange rate is very favourable for overseas readers.
Please send your orders to Susan Batho at: 6 Bellevue Road Faulconbridge, NSW 2776, Australia
C66 will appear later in the year and features a fantastic story by Marian de Haan. Submissions are wanted for C67 and future issues (gen only). We are hoping to make issue 67 a Blake-oriented zine, so if you have gen piece looking for a home, please let us know. We will also take Blakeless B7 under consideration for later issues. Art is also most welcome.