From: Tavia Chalcraft
Neil again:
I freely admit that the stories I've written were the kind of fanfic I wanted to read, and only I could write it exactly the way I wanted. ... I suspect this is true of many fan writers, perhaps most, maybe even all.
I think there may be a skill thing here. I'd rather read (for eg) E'trix, Ika, Penny Dreadful fic, to name just three, than my own stuff. I'd rather write closer to what I'd love to read, but first I need to acquire some talent and some ideas....
There are certainly writers I prefer, largely because they work in a broadly similar vein to myself. Nickey Barnard has yet to disappoint me. Alison Page has written what I still consider the best bit of fanfic I have ever seen. Susan Barrett inevitably wrote well, Russ Massey likewise, and many others. And all the good writers that don't necessarily go in the direction I prefer, but write well nevertheless. There's also a promising new bod on the scene going by the name of 'Firerose'.
PS I love woodlice, Neil.
May I recommend Platyarthrus hofmanseggii, a tiny white woodlouse that lives only in ants nests.
Mind you, I also like Dysdera crocata, which is a big red spider with huge jaws especially adapted for eating woodlice.