(Alibidinous version of course)
20. Travis and the mutoid chatting in the tree in "Duel" 19. Human Bonding Ceremony scene in "Ultraworld" 18. Toise's headgear in "Gambit" 17. The yummy-looking balls of shadow in "Shadow" 16. Coser's costume in "Weapon" 15. Allegorical rats in "Weapon" 14. All things clonemaster-related in "Weapon" 13. "Weapon". I love "Weapon". I admit it. How long is a "moment" anyhow, Una? 12. Vila gets a wet foot in "Orac" 11. Avon leaving Shrinker in the cave with the gun in "Rumours of Death" 10. Tarrant's silly bow in "Rumours of Death" 09. Okay, the entirety of "Rumours of Death" too. 08. Servalan's giant lips in the empty auditorium in "Voice From The Past" 07. Travis trying to hook up with Servalan in "The Keeper" 06. Blake rushing into empty room in "Pressure Point" 05. Blake's recorded speech and crew reaction to it in "Trial" 04. Vila babbling at the irritatingly silent natives in "City" 03. Avon's bloody armpits speech in "Star One" 02. Travis' blame the system speech in "Trial" 01. End of "Blake". Duh.
-- "You mix your laundry list with your grocery list and you'll end up eating your underwear for breakfast."