Betty wrote:
Leia Fee wrote:
Yeah Farscape I really enjoy. Andromeda on the other hand I gave up on
quickly. I found it very *generic* Very little in it was an original
and most of it has been done better elsewhere. I can see the clear parallels with B7 though. Andromeda could have been a lot better than
it is
had they applied a bit of thought and not just relied on Roddenbury's
to sell it.
IMO it's a lot more hit-and-miss than _Farscape_, but I'm getting to like it better and better as time goes on. If nothing else, the fact that somebody on the writing staff obviously has half a clue about the science earns it my respect.
The writing crew on Andromeda includes Robert Hewitt Wolfe, who was one of the people who made DS9 so good. I really wanted to like Andromeda, but it didn't turn out that way and I dropped it after about six episodes.
Apparently the online fandom is a blast - the writers all hang out at the slipstream website and chat about their episodes in true fanboy fashion.