Shallowness warning :-) this is going to be *all* about the surface of the episode ... and Lisa is right, a very *very* photogenic surface it is too (this is, of course, the way to keep the viewer's mind off the plot holes (like when did Carnell get an insight into Blake's wardrobe? Being able to predict what his target would be wearing on a particular day is an impressive feat indeed.)
Happily clicking on all those shots of the round-Orac discussion at the start, one is reminded again what a picturesque lot of criminals-come-rebels we have here (and elsewhere, when you think about it. Where are all the ugly idealists?) And dressed to kill ... Cally and Jenna's brilliant colours and gold jewellry, Vila proving he looks nearly as good in silky black as Avon, much better than the shadoes-of-small-rodent he got in S3 and Gan in one of his Tudor vests; Blake's Robin Hood get-up (and those less beautiful but very endearing just-got-out-of-bed-through-the-wrong-side-of-a-hedge-backwards moments ); and Avon, of course, introducing us to the red leather trousers ... and, later on, that bloody Lobster Top (it's not only ugly, it's sooo unflattering).
The sheer aren't-they-*all*-gorgeous factor of No 56 is really only matched IMO by the flight deck shot at the start of Shadow (sigh) and that "all stand in a line and just *look* at Keiller" one in Gold (one of my favourite bits of that episode - as artificial as hell, but as an example of how to intimidate in style, 'tis glorious :-). But back to Weapon ...
Am still trying to work out why, in an Evil Empire where people from high to low wear plain, unadorned and fairly severe clothes (until they become revolutionary pirates, of course ... or Supreme Commander :-)) a Beta grade technician and a bond slave, working in a weapons development complex, are dressed up like Halloween party-goers from a lost episode of Dr Who. But do't they look good?
Don't care for Carnell, but I *adore* the outfit. Our Heroes shoulda had an episode where *Avon* had to be passed off to be a psychostrategist.
God, I love Rashel. One of my three favourite guests characters (along with Dr Bellfriar and you-can-guess-who ... and they're *all* in Lisa's library now!!!) I adore the way this just-escaped slave not only faces down the Supreme Commander, but allows her contempt for Servalan to show through the defiance (can't help wondering if that was part of the reason Servie's temper was so foul at the end - someone with her ego would find contempt from an inferior intolerable, and *everyone* is I-her-O her inferior. But a bond slave ..!)
And three Blakes, a surfeit of riches (glad we didn't see Blake1 going down on his knees before Travis, though. That's soooo un-Blake, but then he *is* only five hours old... )
Lisa, thank you again and again for these. I loved them.
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