Been following the discussion on Gan, limiters, killing and the phrase 'my woman' and felt the need to chip in.
I'm not quite sure where the idea that Gan got the limiter because he was a danger to woman came from. I recall that in his words he was given it because he killed a Federation guard after said guard killed 'his woman'.
The evidence for him having a desire to murder women seems to come from the evidence that...
a) he killed the guard so is capable of killing - hence the limiter. b) he goes for Cally while his limiter is on the fritz c) he uses the phrase 'my woman' when talking about the woman the guard killed.
I'm not convinced these add up to hiim being a killer of women for the following reasons.
a) He took revenge on the guy who killed the woman, which seems to imply he cared about her enough to want revenge - no one seems bothered that Avon wanted to do the same to the guy who killed *his* girlfriend/partner/woman/significant other.
b) Cally was the one who happened to be looking after him when he came to and released him, it doesn't follow that he was after her particually because she was female. He has a bash at several of the others too if I recall.
c) The interpretation of 'my woman' is as has been opbvious on the Lyst controversial at best and doesn't automatically imply possesiveness let alone violent jealous possesivness.
I could of course be wrong but there does seem to be rather a lot of adding up two and two to make five going on.