I have a lot of favorite PGPs because that is my favorite type of story to read--but only if Blake has survived. Otherwise, I can't get interested in the story at all. I'm too lazy to look all my favorites up. "Empire of Sand" by Sheila Paulson springs to mind easily. I forget the zine it's in, but it's online at the Bang and Blame website, a website I highly recommend to everyone as all the stories are PGP stories. (I can't give the url because I can't access it using Internet Explorer to get to my servor so that I use plain text.) I just checked Judith's website and it's not at her website, even though she has a bunch of Paulson stories.
I like stories where Blake is interacting with the Scorpio crew. And I also like stories where Blake is treated fairly. In other words, the Scorpio crew doesn't treat him like some dimwit. He is a valuable addition to the crew and they end up working together after, of course, various problems are solved. I don't care if it's Avon still leading the crew or if it's Blake or if it's some combination. I just want everyone working together in harmony.
Another story also springs to mind, one I think called "The Thirteenth Hour" by Bryn Lantry in Pat Fenech's RITES OF PASSAGE, an excellent genzine which I highly recommend. This story is the last of the four that make up the zine which is an anthology but works as a novel.
Lantry and Paulson are favorite writers of mine, by the way. I like most everything that they write. Lantry, however, is not available on the net as far as I know. The only way you can read her is in zines.