Avon wants the Liberator, right?...
<snip> But *why* do you think he wants it? What does he think he wants it
<snip> Was it just that it's the bestest toy a computer genius could want?
Well I'd quite like one...<grin>
I think part of it is his highly developed sense of self preservation...in the Liberator he can outrun and outgun most of what the Federation can send after him.
Partly it would provide a fine tool to rip them off - a great get-away vehicle as it were.
A bit of it is that he thinks he can do a better job with it than Blake...he's often contradicting and second guessing Blake...terrible back-seat driver<grin>
Leia Y Ddraig Cymreas
In message 200105021935_MC2-CEA8-D988@compuserve.com, Leia Fee Sha_Ka_Ree@compuserve.com writes
I think part of it is his highly developed sense of self preservation...in the Liberator he can outrun and outgun most of what the Federation can send after him.
Of course, this backfires on him in the long run. Servalan keeps on after him partly because *she* wants to have a play with his pretty toy. (And no, I did *not* mean that the way I would have on The Other List, so get your minds out of the gutter.)
Leia said:
I think part of it is his highly developed sense of self
the Liberator he can outrun and outgun most of what the Federation can
after him.
and Julia replied:
Of course, this backfires on him in the long run. Servalan keeps on after him partly because *she* wants to have a play with his pretty toy.
But no one (in the show or in fandom) seems to expect that one day the rest of the crew will wake up to be greeted with +INFORMATION At 0347 hours ship time we passed #2 on the Top Ten Bolthole list, at which point Avon picked up the suitcases with the leather gear and the contents of the Treasure Room and had me teleport him down. He says, "So long, suckers."+