Neil wrote:
There are certainly writers I prefer, largely because they work in a broadly similar vein to myself. Nickey Barnard has yet to disappoint me. Alison Page has written what I still consider the best bit of fanfic I
ever seen. Susan Barrett inevitably wrote well, Russ Massey likewise, and many others.
I should perhaps point out my three were inclusive not exclusive -- essentially the first three names that came into my head looking at TTBA proofs.
I'd certainly agree with Nickey and Alison, Alison's YLHC is possibly my favourite ever bit of fanfic and certainly one of the most original. I'd also recommend Neil's stuff pretty highly, though it varies as to being plumb my taste (eg WWotD) or excellent example of something plumb not my taste (eg Hunter). Una should be persuaded to increase her B7 output by judicious praise. I loved 'The Quality of Mercy' in Star4 by Natasa, but I've not seen anything else of hers.
And several others who mainly write slash spring to mind.