On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 10:22:57 -0800 (PST) M nova_m1@excite.co.uk writes:
Maybe Dorian was contacting Orac through Slave. Orac wants to get off the planet and so sends a message to the effect of 'Hey Dorian, guess what I've got here, don't forget the clothes - sizes as included in message'
Well, this probably belongs on the list of totally lame story ideas, but I had an idea (hoping no one goes comatose from boredom).
First, assume the cave was some kind of psychic enhancer, deliberately created by one of those lost civilizations (the Seska being a distantly related offshoot).
Then, suppose that at least one of the telepathic lifeforms the Liberator offended was able to make use of it.
Dorian, whose use of it was largely instinctive and imperfect, suddenly gets the bright idea planted in his head that it would be _wonderful_ to go get the crew and bring them here. Doing the last repair job on Orac, Dorian also (very conveniently) removes the protections Avon put in to keep Orac from being taken over by telepathic lifeforms. Then, Dorian very conveniently gets himself killed.
After this, Avon in particular starts making a series of bad judgement calls (and never quite notices Orac's safety devices have been removed). Obvious lines of action (like telling anyone who wants to know how to make the pylene cure) never occur to them. Orac, who has previously shown considerable survival interest, keeps everyone nicely preoccupied while ships are getting in position to attack Scorpio (with well remembered results).
Of course, I'm assuming the whole purpose of this was to push Avon over the edge so he could be manipulated into killing Blake (or, if opportunity presented itself, one of the others [like, let's say, Vila]) for equally complex plot reasons.
Yes, I admit it. I've always thought Occam's razor should be used the other way. Go with the _most_ complicated solution.
Ellynne ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.