Sally asked:
We've done what changes we'd like. Now, would anyone like to give us:
[a] three things about Blake's 7 as a series that make it special for them,
and different from other shows?<
1. The heroes *not* getting on with each other. 2. Women who don't scream. 3. Outstanding dialogue.
[b] if you can think of them, one thing in each of just three episodes that
somehow lifted that episode for you?<
1. Project Avalon: Vila's dawdling when getting ready for teleport and Cally and Avon's reaction to that.
2. Ultraworld: the rare occasion in B7 of a joke at the end that works (and Avon's gorgeous smile :-) ).
3. Moloch: Avon expressing concern for Vila and regret about having allowed Tarrant to bully him along. (It's fun to see Avon being more compassionate than Cally just for once.)