Greetings Tavia,
Wow this must be the most prolific I have been in over twelve months :-)
At 15:51 30/03/01 +0100, you wrote:
Carol 'Hondo' wrote:
Not sure if I am overstepping the line with this post.
Can't speak for Calle, but seems useful to this reader. More than one person has approached me of late to ask whether there are any zines currently taking submissions, so it seems to fill an information need.
Thank you, I know Susan and Andrew would appreciate it if you could mention Chronicles and TOS to any interested parties. :-)
One thing I'd personally be interested in (as a potential contributor) -- what kind of things do the editors of Chronicles and The Other Side actually *like* ? (Feel free to tell me to buy a copy or five, but bear in mind that isn't as easy as all that from the UK...
Is it just the cost that does not make it easy from the UK please? Sorry for seeming nosey but I am new to this and if I don't know of any problems I can't look for any solutions.
If you don't mind Tavia, It might be wise of I take the discussion on content for TOS over to FC ( Tiger has asked me to post the call for submissions there, anyway ).
As for Chronicles, well it has been around for many a year now, and I have seen stories that are based on humour, drama, light romance, character driven, dark elements, AU, just about everything. Of course gen only, any serious adult or slash content will relegate the story to TOS..
Larger stories are either serialized or saved for double or triple issues ( which come out occasionally ) Poetry, articles, reviews, have all made the print in past issues..
But Andrew is lurking around the lyst here somewhere, and as he is the current editor it might be better if I let him tell you what he is looking for for the future rather than what has passed muster in the past..
Andrew... Front and centre, please :-)
Carol 'Hondo' CaraZines.