I wrote....
A life sentence for theft is a little heavy too but the Federation aren't exactly strong on prisoner rights from what we see of their justice
system. Then Helen wrote...
In California you could get a life sentence for theft if it's the third time you are caught and the dollar value is high enough.
I never knew that. How high is 'high enough'? <curious>
Vila was in and out of the system several times before he was made a
lifer, or so I
interpreted his comments on his past.
Yep I agree. I suppose when fiddling with his mind didn't work and locking him up for a finite time didn't work they resorted to a life sentence.
Now I'm wondering what determines whether a convicted criminal gets their mind messed with or gets locked up. Age? The Federation didn't seem to have any qualms about messing with the kids memories to get them to incriminate Blake. Seriousness of the offence? Repeated offences?
The really interesting thing, as someone brought up on list before, is Nova-- he's a pretty fresh-faced kid to be getting life himself.
And keen to help Blake and had been avoiding the drugs in the food on the London. Interesting.