1. For me, personally. When I finally got to see the tapes-- no more having the picture half blurred with static-- and saw how truely cheesy the space backdrops looked. 2. All scenes with placid, drugged characters. 3. The big lever in Dawn of the Gods... Thaarn obviously never read the Evil Overlord guide. Don't put your self-destruct device where everyone can play with it. 4. Dayna getting brainwashed in Animals in about, oh, half-an-hour? 5. the mummy in Voice From the Past. That was so cheesy I could never get past it mentally to give the scenes a chance in any other way. 6. Big, thuggy, barbarians. 7. Jarvik's "Me, Tarzan" attitude. 8. The Altas-- the costumes, the acting. 9. Tarrant and Servalan in Sand *ewwww* 10. Avon's problem-solving methods in Sand. 11. Spacerats 12. Piri's inability to act. 13. When the highly suspicious rebels walk open eyed into traps that would have an 8-year old putting the door on a chain before opening it. 14. Dialogue for Slave 15. Servalan's panic attack in ORAC (this woman leads the military?) 16. Cally getting taken over by ANOTHER telepathic influence. 17. Self-immolation in Volcano. 18. Vila in Sarcophogas, fleeing from the Attack of the Floating Lyre 19. The self-important aliens in Duel 20. Blake and Avon laughing about the intelligent flea (with snide glances referring over to Vila). It was forced, unfunny, and out of place.
Helen said:
- The big lever in Dawn of the Gods... Thaarn obviously never read the
Evil Overlord guide. Don't put your self-destruct device where everyone can play with it.
And in Volcano! Kids, I told you not to play baseball in the house... ooops...
- Dayna getting brainwashed in Animals in about, oh, half-an-hour?
'Sokay. The Delicate cycle is always shorter than the regular one.