March 9th, 2016 RE: Auto-Coverage P0licy Number: A1-2230939

Date: March 9th, 2016

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In 1996, Pat Buchanan  running as electronics a populist, a protectionist, an outsider  durante won three of the first four Republican row primary  contests, taking caucuses in Louisiana orifice and Alaska, finishing a close second in kin Iowa, and then winning New Hampshire outright. dual None of those victories mattered in the saturn end. Buchanan spoke only for a quarter clover to a third of the Republican electorate, berliner and once the  moved on to testa bigger states, he lost them all to coarse Bob Dole. His populist rebellion offered an twice interesting template for the future, but it was put down without much difficulty and acting left no lasting mark on the . elevator Thus far, in a sense, Donald Trump internet has done only what Buchanan did before bull him, without the early caucus wins but scrambled with a larger margin in New Hampshire. strut Of course that comparison understates his success: porte Buchanan ! didnt lead national polling consistently for testimonial months, or  his closest rival by whine 20 points in the Granite State. But intensify the example of Iowa, where sustained attacks drove up Trumps unfavorables and cost him font late-deciding voters, suggests that like Buchanans pitchfork crusade, the Trump insurgency can be contained

