M&A支援 [+J] l 無料体験デモ l 売買案件閲覧&掲載 l 事業再生 l セミナー l

#079 発行部数53,389部 2010-06-03

こんにちは、M&Aニュースレター運営事務 局です。

本ニュースレターは、M&Aと事業承継のマーケットプ レイス [+J] を運営するヴェリタス・ パートナーズがお送りします。

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This is the information Newsletter from Veritas-Partners. Besides managing and promoting the M&A marketplace, we also offer turn-around and consulting services.


【日本語 / Japanese
1. M&A

2. 注目の【買収】案件ご紹介

English / 英語】
Changing focus
 Buy-side weekly Pick-up
3. Sell-side weekly Pick-up
4. M&A advisers profiles
5. +J small scale business M&A platform introduction





1. changing focus

We've witnessed very positive evolutions recently in Japanese corporations. Several close friends, foreigners, have been hired by small and medium Japanese corporations to try to tackle markets abroad, and the trend seems to be picking up speed, as we are aware of several more offers. SMBs were long dependent on trading houses – big ones most of the time – and/or the large dominant manufacturers that were the crown-jewels of Japan Inc. It was especially rare for SMBs to go after faraway and complicated markets. However, modern pressures on the domestic markets have had huge impacts on profitability of SMBs. We do find the trend attractive, and truth to be said, companies that have hired foreigners seem to be doing better than others, as they have long been more opened to ideas. We do not believe in hiring foreigners over Japanese, nor the opposite, that is not the point. But we like to see in companies willingness to try new things and test ideas. As a side note, we see more and more Japanese, especially females, at top positions in Foreign corporations in Asia – Japan especially. And a spill-over to domestic corporations is appearing. That is also a very encouraging sign that times are changing, let's hope for more fluidity and less stereotypes.

注目のアドバイザリーご紹介                      Advisers Selection

イーストエッジ・パートナーズ 国際不動産売買・運営・アドバイザリー・開発・ホスピタリティー

EastEdge Partnersniche assets advisory, international real-estate sourcing and brokerage, development, and operation, with strong experience in the hospitality and residential sectors

株式会社GLOCAL  - GLOCAL(グローカル)は、地方の中堅企業の問題解決を支援するための企業グループです。 グローバルな視点で考えて、小さいところから実行する「Think Global, Act Local.」が経営理念です。 経営管理および会計・税務を中心に、幅広いサービスをご提供いたします。

GLOCAL corp - Think Global, Act Local. We support the problem solving of the local medium-size enterprises. We think in a global viewpoint, and act practically, that is our policy "Think Global, Act Local.". We offer wide services, mainly on management and accounts / tax fields.

株式会社レイヤーズ・コンサルティング レイヤーズ・コンサルティングは、日本発のコンサルティング会社として、 独立資本である強みを活かし、真のクライアントファーストの立場に立った コンサルティングを実施します。会計士および経営コンサルティングの豊富な経験にもとづき、MA戦略立案から統合支援を行ないます。M&A,事業統合,事業再構築,新規事業開発をはじめとし、経営管理、業務改革、SCMHRMITMなどの広い領域でのコンサルティングを行っております

Layers Consulting co, Ltd – Japanese independent consulting company putting clients first and foremost. We assist clients on accounting, management consulting, and through our wealth of M&A experiences. Starting with M&A, turn-around, business development, we offer a full range of services, including management accounting, PBR, SCM, HRM, ITM and other consulting assignments.

注目の買収案件ご紹介                 Selection of Companies to buy

bweb20100331002 小型証券会社を買収希望、株式取得:100%、資本金の額は問わない、従業員規模はなるべく少数、売上や利益等は問わない(現在赤字状態でも可能)、顧客数等は問わない、東証、大証等の取引所とのラインの有無は問わない、免許等:日本証券業協会加入と関東財務局登録と第1種金融商品取引業者(第2種金融商品取引業及び投資運用業の免許があれば尚良い)。その他:BSはなるべく軽い会社が望ましい。5億円まで。

bweb20100331002 Looking to buy 100% of shares of a small securities company. Small number of employees preferred. Capital, sales and profit irrelevant (could be a loss), customer base and lines to stock exchanges irrelevant. Necessary certifications: JSDA member, registered at the Kanto financial bureau of MOF, certified first type financial products dealer (Second type financial products dealer and Asset management certifications are a definite plus). Company with a light BS preferred

目的はお互いの事業から生じる新たなシナジーや規模の拡大の為です。 買収対象売上高:100億円。買収対象従業員数 :250人まで。買収希望額 :50億円。

Bweb20100527001Looking to acquire a engineering consulting company in Japan for operational synergies and bigger scale merits. We are looking at companies around 250 employees, sales of 100 000 000 000 JPY. We can offer around 50 000 000 000 JPY for the acquisition.

bweb20100315009 アニメ・映画製作会社及び映画配給会社の買収を希望。30億円以下

bweb20100315009 Looking to buy either movie & anime production or creation or distribution company. Asking price up to 3 000 000 000JPY

売買案件のコンタクト先は 「+J」会員様限定 で公開中です
新規会員登録はこちら 会員の方はこちらよりログイン

All Sell-sides and Buy-side companies here
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注目の【売却】案件ご紹介                  Sell-side Companies Selection

sweb20100402001 長崎県、高質真珠生産所、従業員数:7人。売却理由は資金繰りに苦しんでいることです


sweb20100402001 High quality Pearl Culture farm in Nagasaki prefecture, 7 employees. Business on sale because of lack of financing. 

sweb20100527001システム構築、販売、コンサルティング、イベント企画・運営  デジタルコンテンツ企画・プロデュース  資本金 :10,000,000

Sweb20100527001System, sales, consulting, event planningdigital contents planning, producing and operations. Paid-in capital :10,000,000 JPY

sweb20100518002 ラブホテルを含む不動産M&A。12物件の一括譲渡です。収益率がよいので投資回収の目処が立ちます。

sweb20100518002  Real-estate company with love hotels. Sale of 12 different buildings at once. High rental revenues. Aizu area.

売買案件のコンタクト先は 「+J」会員様限定 で公開中です
新規会員登録はこちら 会員の方はこちらよりログイン

All Sell-sides and Buy-side companies here
⇒ Register as a new user / Login as a returning user

その他 / Other Information

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Newsletters every Tuesday and Friday

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