M&A支援 [+J] l 無料体験デモ l 売買案件閲覧&掲載 l 事業再生 l セミナー

#103 発行部数53,530部 2010-08-27



こんにちは、M&Aニュースレター運営事務 局です。

本ニュースレターは、M&Aと事業承継のマーケットプ レイス [+J] を運営するヴェリタス・ パートナーズがお送りします。
This is the information Newsletter from Veritas-Partners. Besides managing and promoting the M&A marketplace, we also offer turn-around and consulting services.


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【日本語 / Japanese

2. 注目の【買収】案件ご紹介

English / 英語】
Culture inside your companies, before and after M&A
 Buy-side weekly Pick-up
3. Sell-side weekly Pick-up
4. M&A advisers profiles
5. +J small scale business M&A platform introduction




1. ニュースレターで海外へ発信





1.  Company culture before and after an M&A

Buyers often face complex problems when trying to assess and then to merge entities with different cultures. Cultural misfits often bring loss of morale, clandestine passenger behaviors, internal disputes.

All those potential problems, we try to assess and then to smooth out the transformation. As living things, cultures evolve and die. Our job is most of the time to help tip the balance one way or the other.

However, working with professionals and bright people, I was always left wondering why processes and rules in organizations tend to stifle energies. Would it not be better to leave it to employees? If everybody is motivated to make something bigger out of this, there should be only responsible actions, right?

And then it all made sense when I discovered the reference guide to Netflix cultural approach. I was already a fan of Zappos, for its dedication to growing customers, employees and products. Netflix add even further responsibility and freedom into the mix. I believe those two companies are helping shape what culture will be in forward thinking organizations in a few years. Hopefully.


注目のアドバイザリーご紹介                      Advisers Selection





Tokyo MA Partners Inc 

Specialists of medium companies M&A, introductions, advisory services, 50 successful operations in 10 years. The best consulting partners for your strategic M&A needs.



 EastEdge Partners

niche assets advisory, international real-estate sourcing and brokerage, development, and operation, with strong experience in the hospitality and residential sectors




 M&A Advisory, new business development strategy, funding consulting



注目の買収案件ご紹介                 Selection of buy-side searches




Bweb20100618001 Global technology leader organization looking to acquire Japanese domestic SI, strong in SAP and ERPs. Pipeline to Japanese big corporations important.

bweb20100702053地方レストランウエディングプロデュース会社 ブライダル関連会社、花、ドレス、その他、都内進出加速の為、不採算可。金額5,000万円前後

Bweb20100702053 Want to M&A with regional restaurant wedding/bridal company and related, flowers, dresses, etc. Rapidly growing so considering unprofitable businesses as well. Price around 50.000.000JPY

bweb20100810001 植物レンタル、園芸会社、造園関係(ランドスケープ)、屋上緑化、ランドスケープ設計や企画、生花店(チェーンを含む)、造花生産会社、園芸用品関連製造・輸入・卸会社など

bweb20100810001 Looking to aqcuire plants rental businesses, garden or landscape planning or design, urban greenery provider, ikebana school, flower shop chain, gardening tools manufacturer or importer. In Japan or Asia. Business expansion, CEO directly managing the M&A process, several successful acquisitions. Several patterns possible, from 10.000.000 to 1.500.000.000JPY


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新規会員登録はこちら / 会員の方はこちらよりログイン

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注目の【売却】案件ご紹介                  Sell-side Companies Selection



sweb20100702048大学 群馬県、学校の経営権および土地建物 売却。7億円

Sweb20100702048 University in Gunma. Sale of the goodwill, land and buildings. 700.000.000JPY

sweb20100702050動物病院・ペットホテル 神奈川県、大型ショッピングセンター内、小動物(犬猫ウサギハムスター等)黒字。 事業譲渡。金額 4,500万円

Sweb20100702050 veterinary clinic, pet hotel in Kanagawa prefecture, in large scale shopping center. Specialized in small animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters...) . Profitable. Business transfer. Price 45 000 000JPY

Sweb20100702054 インド系の自動車用のプラスチック部品メーカー。 高利益率(EBITDA25%)、高成長率、創業家族はExitを目指している。成長を支える投資・戦略的パートナーを希望。 株券40%~100 。社員150名、2010売上4億円。

Sweb20100702054 Indian Manufacturer of plastic automotive parts. High margins (EBITDA 25%) and high growth rate. Founder planning to retire, searching for a strategic or financial partner to help with growth. Sell 40 to 100% of shares. 150 employees, sales of 400.000.000JPY in 2010.

売買案件のコンタクト先は 「+J」会員様限定 で公開中
新規会員登録はこちら / 会員の方はこちらよりログイン

All Sell-sides and Buy-side companies here
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