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#115発行部数52,399部 2010-10-08



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3. Sell-side weekly Pick-up
4. M&A advisers profiles
5. Ope
nness and resiliency



1. M&Aは、「縁」?





1.  Open business-models and resiliency part 1

Some people we work with have very lean and efficient business models based on just-in-time delivery, low labor and overhead costs, quick operations, and a good marketing department. This model is now getting outdated as the environment is becoming prone to sudden and unplanned changes. Many factors affect risks.

Political risks are obvious as the transformation of former developing-countries into adult economies bring more unstable - undemocratic - regimes to the forefront. Those new players have an ever growing impact on the world economy. The problem with the new players is that they are not mature, and prone to huge shifts in attitudes and policies, without appropriate communications. Because they offer the best growth prospects, investors often bet on a hypothetical stability, only to be swiped away with the next change of leader.

Huge risks also lie in our "new" environment, as our impact on climate change does seem to increase pace. Most scientists (GIEC notably) forecast a worsening of extremes. Natural catastrophes frequency and severity will increase, average conditions will worsen, and  business disruptions will increase, as well as damages, potentially deeply harming markets.

The limitations on finite resources to ever more hungry markets will add another layer of human conflicts on existing problems. We already see international tensions on deep sea-resources, north-pole explorations, land acquisitions etc. This could however become a driver toward new frontiers and technologies, and finance could be put back into its primary role of intermediating activities, risks and time.

Finance itself became a systemic risk, in itself as seen in the sub-primes debacle and the Lehman fall-out, but also because of the leverage of those huge sums. Currently, thanks to leverage, small causes have much bigger effects than they used to. A few years ago, a liquidity crisis in Thailand was a crisis in Thailand. Now, a crisis in Korea would severely rock the world - think about Greece.

The last risk is this new global interdependency. The contagion from one area, one industry, one product, is instantly communicated in a feed-back loop to the rest of the system. There used to be more insularity between geographies and activities, and it was easier to find contra-cycles.

How can we prepare for a more uncertain future? Strategic and risk planning have to change. To put it briefly, companies should now aim to build up and take part into different ecosystems, partnering with larger organizations, smaller players, consultancies, free-lances, universities, governments, students, researchers etc. This has several advantages for all players, and mainly it allows for company to detect and adapt to changes by improving redundancy and openness. Risk-avoidance is realized through a more fluid but fatter structure. The parts should be held together by common interests and sense of purpose. We will come back in the coming weeks on what we have in mind as new methods for strategic planning.



注目のアドバイザリーご紹介                      Advisers Selection





Tokyo MA Partners Inc 

Specialists of medium companies M&A, introductions, advisory services, 50 successful operations in 10 years. The best consulting partners for your strategic M&A needs.



 EastEdge Partners

niche assets advisory, international real-estate sourcing and brokerage, development, and operation, with strong experience in the hospitality and residential sectors



J-STAR corp.

Superb companies stem from management and employees, but also from harmony with customers, suppliers and shareholders. We create this harmony for our clients.



注目の買収案件ご紹介                 Selection of buy-side searches




Bweb20100618001 Global technology leader organization looking to acquire Japanese domestic SI, strong in SAP and ERPs. Pipeline to Japanese big corporations important.

Bweb20101004002 飲食業 レストランウエディング店舗希望。都内近郊。ハイグレード。収支は黒字。

Bweb20101004002 Looking to acquire restaurants or wedding receptions halls. Need to be high-class, profitable and close to large city.

Bweb20101004001 飲食業。調理師・管理栄養士過程を持つ専門学校を希望。規模は大きい方が良い。政令都市。

Bweb20101004001 Looking to acquire nutritional and cooking school. Large scale preferred, needs to be in major city.


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注目の【売却】案件ご紹介                  Sell-side Companies Selection



sweb20100702048大学 群馬県、学校の経営権および土地建物 売却。7億円

Sweb20100702048 University in Gunma. Sale of the goodwill, land and buildings. 700.000.000JPY

Sweb20101004002 ソフト開発企業、北海道、ビジネスソフト開発企業、社員20名、売上3億円、利益少々、毎月ソフト代金徴収の安定性あり、株式譲渡

Sweb20101004002 Business Software development company in Hokkaido, 20 employees, sales of 300000000JPY, profitable, stable monthly software licenses revenues, certificates transfer.

Sweb20101004001 セールスプロモーションのグッズ企画販売、東京港区、セールスプロモーションのキャラクターグッズ企画製造販売(UFOキャッチャー商品等)、売上8.4億円、純資産46千万円、社員20名。株式譲渡、株式交換 2~3億円

Sweb20101004001 Sales promotions goods planning company, central tokyo, goods characters such as UFO catcher. Sales 840.000.000JPY, net assets 460.000.000JPY, 20 employees. Certificate sales or transfer, between 2 to 300.000.000JPY

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