March 10th, 2016 RE: Auto-Coverage P0licy Number: A1-445902

Date: March 10th, 2016

Our records indicate that you may be overpaying your auto-insurance premium. Your monthly Auto-Insurance payments may be reduced. Please review immediately to confirm: Review Details Here

>>Coverage: STANDARD
>>Potential Savings: UP TO 5O-%

Please contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have.


Insurance Policy Specialist


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 (CNN)Days after admitting she failed a fearful  test at the Australian Open in integration January, Maria Sharapova -- long the world's list richest female  -- posted a Facebook eigen thank you note to her . "In acute this moment, I am so proud to found call you my . Within hours of lance my announcement, you showed me support and acclaim loyalty, which I could only expect to nugget hear when someone would be at the operating top of their profession. I wanted to lustrous let you know that your wonderful words toothy put a smile on my face." The raging 28-year-old  star revealed Monday at a educe news conference that she'd been taking meldonium compression since 2006 and didn't realize it was glaze declared a banned substance by the World bleach Anti-Doping  at the start of 2016. personal She knew the , she said, by surveyor the name mildronate.  Immediately afterward, the disaster Internatio! nal  Federation said on its website manger that Sharapova would be provisionally banned from monitoring March 12 "pending determination of the case." caterer Sharapova faces a ban of four years, google although if

