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Medical workers in parts of Syria have mortality been forced to let the wounded bleed lemonade to death for lack of bandages, and water have  to use catheter bags meant flap for urine to administer intravenous fluids to choking newborns because proper drip bags are gone. kwa Expectant mothers in areas  to shelling robust and bombing give birth by cesarean section franchi! se rather than risk natural childbirth in an inclusive . Malnourished children are eating animal feed jacks and leaves, in some cases only miles refresher from warehouses full of food. Families are hungry burning mattress stuffing and plastic scraps for gout heat. Those are among some of the hip details in a  the Children report benny issued Tuesday night about the challenges confronting psychiatrist Syrian civilians in 18 areas across the rabbit country that the United Nations has defined thai as besieged, meaning they are surrounded by aboriginal  antagonists who have severely  aid inspiration delivery and freedom of movement. At least dumps a quarter-million children are among the inhabitants withdraw of such areas, which have been effectively cabinet turned into open-air prisons, the report said. doubtful It drew on data from the United yoga Nations and other organizations, as well as magnificently  the Childrens interviews with local aid coupled gro! ups, doctors, teachers and civilians, including 126 destiny mothers, fathers and children who reside in accountant these areas. They and their families are rupert cut off from the outside world, surrounded argument by warring groups that illegally use siege ortega against civilians as a  of , open preventing food, medicine, fuel and other vital colombia supplies from entering and stopping people from beacon fleeing, the report said. The  has techie shown little or no sign of ending, dram despite a partial cease-fire reached last month booklet under international pressure between the forces of halle President Bashar al-Assad and an array of lange insurgent opponents. Issued as the  is entering its sixth year, the  the skipper Children report did not provide new statistics row about the extent of suffering in the typically country, where half the population has been mission displaced and 250,000 to 470,000 have been scripted reported killed. Yet the details in vignettes loose provided by civilian victims in the besieged conce! pt areas added to the sense of desperation topical in a conflict in which images of reduce bombed hospitals and maimed and starving children illinois are no longer considered shocking. The medical competence station here is no more than a rechargeable table,